1 min

RECIPE: Tropical Smoothie Bowl

I adore this smoothie bowl. In fact, I might even like it more than the acai bowl that I make! It's great for a change and tastes so creamy too. I like to add oats and water as a base to make it nice and creamy, plus it makes it super filling. However, if you don't fancy that, then just replace the oats and water with some almond milk instead - your call! :)

What You Need:

  • 1/2 cup filtered water

  • 1/4 cup organic oats

  • 1/2 a frozen banana

  • handful of frozen mango

  • Toppings of your choice (my fav's are cacao nibs, bee pollen, dried mullberries, almond butter, chia seeds, goji berries, toasted coconut and frozen raspberries)


  • In a high speed blender, blitz the water, oats, banana and mango up until you have a smooth blend.

  • Pour into a bowl and add all your toppings with a drizzle of almond butter

  • Serve with a spoon and comfy pajamas!

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x