4 min

All You Need To Know About Botox & Fillers

I could lose track sometimes about the amount of times clients ask me about my opinion on botox and fillers. I generally answer the same as well, it depends on what result you want and the look you are going for. I don't have any issues with any cosmetic procedures, as long as they are done correctly.

I therefore decided to write down three separate lists for you to make your own mind up. I have listed the pro's, con's and then a list of questions that I would recommend you ask your doctor (please above everything go to a qualified doctor!). Then it's up to you to decide if the pros outway the cons!


  • I guess the main thing is that they can make you look younger. They can soften fine lines and give the appearance of having a really good sleep.

  • They can add volume to the face which can be lost as we get older

  • Filler inserted into the face in the correct way can actually lift sagging jowls and contour the face without having to have a facelift

  • It is obviously far less invasive than surgery

  • There is no downtime in comparison to surgery. You might feel a little something after treatment, but there's no reason why you can't carry on with your normal life straight away

  • You get an instant result. I think sometimes the full result might not be seen for a day or two, but even so I would say that's pretty instant!

  • It's much more reasonably priced than some procedures. Botox averages around £195 where fillers can average at £250.

  • Botox has multiple uses. It can also be used to reduce sweating in the underarms and also palms of hands I believe. I've also known clients to have treatments of botox on the NHS for sight issues and als to treat urinary incontinence too!

  • When combined with some good facial treatments, you can see a nice result. Facials will improve the overall appearance of the skin, improve the health and also give a radiance. Then botox & fillers will soften fine lines and plump the skin out.


  • It is a very 'dark art'. You need a doctor who is almost an artist with the face because if too much is inserted, or if it is uneven it's not a pretty look!

  • You might not always get the 'look' that you're going for. You might want something quite subtle and end up looking surprised all the time. Just because a certain person has this much inserted here doesn't mean that you will look the same. After all, your facial features are probably very different.

  • It's quite possible that you come out looking 'different' but not necessarily any younger. In fact, there are plenty of people out there who have had too much and end up looking older than their years.

  • Botox and fillers are both only temporary. Botox can last between 3-6 months where fillers can range from 6 months up to 5 years depending on the type of filler you get. Therefore you will need to get top-ups otherwise you will lose the look you have created.

  • If your skin is not in good health, if your eyes don't sparkle because you're unhappy, stressed, tired etc then botox might not make you look better. We always seem to think that 'youth' is represented by no wrinkles, but actually it is more of a radiance and that glint in the eye. Just because you don't have any wrinkles, doesn't mean that you will look any younger.

  • It's an injection... maybe a few of them... it can be painful!

  • Most people bruise with botox injections, this tends to disappear after a few days but is always good to know.

  • Botox and fillers are not suitable for everybody. Depending on health issues, skin concerns, medical history etc. you might not be able to have botox or fillers done.

  • It is possible to develop a natural immunity to botox and so therefore you might start to need more each time, after a while.

  • Finally, if started too young or if you have it done over a long period of time, your muscles can start to atrophy. This basically means as the muscle is not being used it will wither. Let's be realistic, your face is not going to fall off, but at the same time it can change and look different. Your brows can begin to look heavy, your forehead can protrude (I see this a lot) and unfortunately you can end up looking older than you did in the first place. Think of any muscle, even a leg or arm that has been in a cast. When you take it off the muscles sag as they have not been used. A similar effect can happen with botox over time.


If you decide have some procedures done, I would always recommend asking these questions (as the bare minimum)...

  • What qualifications do they have

  • How long have they been practicing?

  • How many patients have they treated

  • Can you see their before and after pictures (this will give you a gauge of their 'style')

  • Has the brand of product they are using been rigorously tested and researched?

  • What aftercare do they offer?

  • What are the potential side-effects

This is YOUR decision and nobody else's. However, I will say that if you're stressed, tired and unhappy in your life, botox and fillers will not fix that. All being well, you will look younger and brighter, yes... but all the rest of your day to day life will still be there. These issues must be tackled first before you pin all your hopes on botox changing your life. You know me, I'm just being honest!

Thanks so much for reading,
