2 min

How To Exfoliate Sensitive Skins

It's important to note that not all skin's need to exfoliate regularly. This is probably slightly controversial but like with most things in life... one size doesn't always fit all.

However, if you have sensitive skin and it's quite dull and dehydrated, it might benefit from some gentle exfoliation. With the operative word being 'gentle'.

Here are three of my favourite products to use for sensitive skins when it comes to exfoliation...


This is one of the most beautiful exfoliators. It's completely smooth and uses pineapple and papaya enzymes to gentle 'eat away' dead skin cells and leave the skin feeling super smooth and radiant. It's great for all skin types but works especially well with sensitive skins.

From £35 for 60ml. Contact me here to purchase


Another enzyme based exfoliator, this one also has a physical exfoliation too. I adore this mask and it's great if you feel like you want a gentle physical exfoliation too. If you have very sensitive skin I would recommend that you don't massage the product at the end so you don't overstimulate your skin. Alternatively, you could mix it with a little of the Cleansing Beauty Cream so you don't have as many exfoliating beads on the face.

From £15 for 20ml. Click here to purchase.


This is such a gentle peel and yet so effective. You can really feel it working as it has a thermo effect on the skin and starts to heat up. What I love about this peel is that there is some mind-trickery going on as the peel doesn't actually get hot, it just tricks the brain to thinking it is.

It's a great treatment to do at home if in clinic peels are just a bit too active for your skin.

From £54 for 30ml. Contact me here to purchase

If you do have skin concerns and are not quite sure which products are best for you, why not book an online skin consultation with me here.

Thank you so much for reading,

Lots of love,

Emmaline x