2 min

How to Layer your Products

I have spoken about this before in previous posts but I thought it was important to bring the matter up again.


It makes such a difference layering products up instead of applying one heavy, thick cream. When we apply a rich face cream (especially if we are on the drier side), it can actually make our skin drier! Yes... you heard that right!

When we apply a thick cream, it makes our skin lazy. It doesn't feel like it has to produce oil anymore because, well why should it? You're applying enough oil with the heavy cream. So what happens? Our skin becomes drier and drier and so you need more and more cream. Then you end up in a horrid cycle!

If you are on the oiler side, your skin will just end up super oily, with blocked pores and pimples!


When we layer products in a specific order, they will perform different functions to work synergistically together.

Start off with your lighter, water based products. In this case it would be my Vitamin C Serum. This is the first product applied after cleansing and it is like a drink for the skin. It's super hydrating so will help to plump out fine lines and give the skin a dewy finish.

We then moisturise the skin with The Face Cream. This again will help to hydrate but will also moisturise the skin. This can help to leave it feeling nice and smooth.

Then, we apply a face oil. I love The Botanical Elixir and also The Face Oil. We only need around 2 to 3 drops of product warmed in our hands and then pressed on the face. This will 'lock in' all the hydration we have just put into the skin and keep it feeling really soft.

Finally, we can apply our sun protection all over the face, neck and chest to provide an 'umbrella' style cover to protect us from harmful rays. These rays can cause cancers, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles.

I hope you have found this useful,

Thank so much for reading,
