3 min

A Simple Routine To Build Meditation Into Your Daily Life

You know how much I love mindfulness right? Well, you're in for a special treat this week. We have guest blogger Heather Murdoch a Reiki and Meditation teacher from White Feather Reiki to help us with some simple steps to look after ourselves when our diaries are already full.

In this busy world we are juggling too many tasks, roles and expectations of ourselves and others. It’s no wonder that cases of depression, stress and anxiety are on the increase. We are too busy to feel into what our heart and mind wants us to do and give ourselves some space just to be.

Taking time out for a lunch break away from our desks, never mind ‘time just for us’ is a luxury people at times feel they can’t afford. We are always in the state of ‘flight or fight’ and this has a big impact on our physical and mental health.

In modern times we have the same hormonal and physical reaction to the stress that our ancestors would have had of being attacked by a bear when the electric bill comes through the door or we have to work with the colleague that we just don’t gel with. Our stress is constant and we don’t have any way to run away and escape from it.

How can we look after ourselves more and give ourselves some space to feel less stressed?

“I’ve found the most important time for me is in the mornings and evenings when I’m getting ready to go out for the day or heading to bed. It’s at these times that if I can centre and prepare myself then my day flows better and if I can let go of the day before I go to bed I sleep more deeply.”

When you are going through your morning or evening routine of taking care of your skin take a few extra minutes to help connect to your heart centre.

Sit in a safe, comfy place. Place your hand over your heart and breathe deeply, feel the air going into your body, your chest rising and the air leaving your body. When you feel ready, in your minds eye, see a beautiful rose pink coloured light surrounding you.


See the rose pink light filling your heart and the rose pink light spreading through your whole body.


In the morning, send the intention out through talking to yourself in your mind that everyone you meet during that day will feel uplifted and calm when they meet you.

In the evening, send the intention out that anyone that has sent you stress during the day has it sent back to them as love. Picture any stress you feel leaving your body and mind.


When you are ready, imagine roots growing down from your feet into Mother Earth, see a green coloured healing energy, moving up through your roots and filling your whole body. Connect back into the space around you by looking at the solid objects around you.

Drink a glass of water and slowly start your skin cleansing routine.

You can connect in with Heather and discover more great Meditations and ways to use energy healing to help support you through her Facebook page @APlaceofTranquillity.

(Meditations should only be done when you are sitting in a safe place you should never do them when you are driving or operating machinery.)

Thanks so much for reading