2 min

Why Your Skin Has Suddenly Changed (& How To Fix It)

For the last couple of weeks since I came back from my hols, I have noticed a sudden change in client's skin. The odd blemish has appeared, sudden oiliness has popped up on t-zones and also (for some) dryness across the cheeks. What is going on? What has suddenly changed??

Well, each year, when we have a sudden shift in the weather, everybody's skin seems to have a freak out. Here's why...

One word... HEAT!

We literally (here in the U.K.) have gone from 0-100 degrees in a millisecond! Ok, ok, I'm exaggerating I know. On saying that though, the weather has rapidly changed... one day it was a mild 12-14 degrees and then the next it was 28 degrees! Now, I'm not complaining by any means, but the sudden change has meant so many things for our skin.

  • It got so warm, we started to sweat a lot more than usual. If you are used to wearing a lot of makeup it can block our pores with the sweat and cause breakouts.

  • When we get hot, our skin can get a lot oilier which again leads to more breakouts

  • We're not sleeping as well as it's so warm in the night. Our skin is not getting the chance to 'recover' as well as we are tired

  • We've been spending a lot more time outdoors and so walks out and about without adequate sun protection (or even just sat in the beer garden without proper SPF) has caused redness, inflammation and dryness.

  • The sun's out so we have got to get our bits out! Everybody has started fake tanning which again can block pores and irritate skin


Follow these tips to help your skin if it has suddenly had a freak out...

  • Wear your SPF every day.. without fail! This should always be a separate sun protection and not one that has been built into your foundation/tinted moisturiser. We never apply enough product to get adequate sun protection from a foundation (we should use around 1 teaspoon for our face and neck!). So use a high quality one (such as the Nimue SPF 40) to prevent blocked pores and have well protected skin.

  • Avoid putting fake tan on your face, stop at the top of your neck and then match your bronzer/foundation/tinted moisturiser to your neck instead. Fake tan can cause blackheads (even the ones that are non-comedogenic!)

  • Ensure you're doing a regular exfoliation to help lift dead skin cells and also clear clogged pores (from sweat, makeup and creams)

  • Change your pillowcase regularly if you find you're sweating a lot at night to prevent bacteria spreading on to your skin

I hope you found this useful, let's hope this nice weather is here to stay for a while!

Thanks so much for reading,
