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Thinking about starting a detox? Make sure you read this first!


This is probably one of the words you will hear the most this month (apart from Brexit... you'll probably hear that a lot too! *rolls eyes*).

Anyway, if you're thinking of starting a detox', then these are my top tips to keep you on track and avoid falling off that 'super healthy wagon' we're all trying to hang on to.


It's all very well having good intentions, but if you decide on the 1st of January you're going to be on full detox mode and then all your friends/family remind you that you're going out for the day to eat... maybe don't start on the 1st! Take a look at your calendar and see what date would be the best to start. Choose a date that you can commit to and continue with.


Don't decide to start your new 'heath kick' on a day when you have no time and no good food to eat. Maybe its a psychological thing, but I like to start a detox at the beginning of a new week and the prep is always on a Sunday.

When you choose your date to start, at the same time choose what foods that you want to eat too. Plan your healthy meals for the next 5 to 7 days and decide what to eat when. Then write your shopping list and prep everything on the Sunday afternoon/evening so you're ready to start on the Monday (or whatever day works best for you). Remember, you don't always have to cook everything, but at least marinade, chop and/or prepare the basics so you have a head start (and no excuses either!)


Detoxing can seem all a bit depressing sometimes. The thought is there but when it comes to reality, you end up just think about all of the foods you're depriving yourself of. Instead, think about all the foods that you are going to add in to your meals. All the extra veggies and fruits and not all the things that you will be missing.


Instead of saying that you can't have chocolate altogether, why not incorporate a chocolate protein powder into your smoothie so you still get your 'fix'.

Love your lattes? Opt for oat milk instead (yes almond milk is good too, but if you want that 'creaminess' of whole milk, oat milk is always a good option).


The easiest and quickest meal for breakfast is nearly always a smoothie. You can pack it full of nutrients and minerals and drink it on the go if you must! For me, if I start the day with a healthy smoothie (30% fruit only guys!), then I tend to make better choices throughout the day. If I start the day with a croissant and coffee... let's be frank, its probably going to go downhill from there!


There are studies that say so many great things about intermittent fasting and if you can do it then great! It just doesn't work for me that well. Depending on your body type, blood sugar levels etc this might not always be the best option for you. So, for me, I like to make a light, green smoothie to have mid-morning so I'm not too hungry. I make it simply from filtered water, greens, half a lemon and half or a whole apple. You can add your probiotics and green powders as well to give you a nutrient kick.


This doesn't mean start smashing the gym 4 or 5 times a week by no means. If you do no exercise at all, then begin by increasing your exercise to 30 minutes a week and then slowly increasing to 30 minutes twice a week etc etc.

If you already are quite active, maybe just increase it by another 30 minutes.

Can't get to the gym one day? Take a walk in the evening, park a bit further away from the shops or just take the stairs... in fact, ALWAYS take the stairs!


My calendar is crazy, there is always something going on and when there isn't, I can always find some work to do. How do I manage to work out 4 times a week? I schedule it in my diary of course. These appointments are non-negotiable and if you want to see me on a Friday morning for example? Sorry I'm busy! If it's in your diary, there is more chance that you will do it. Plus set reminders as well to keep it on your mind so you don't forget.


Who says you have to exercise by yourself? Maybe start a Pilates class with a friend or make a pact to go running together on a Monday night for example. I love multi-tasking and so catching up with friends and getting a run in at the same time is perfect for me!


Sometimes if we don't have a goal in mind or a date to work to we can get lazy. Get your holidays booked, plan on feeling a certain way by your birthday or the Summer. Give yourself a goal to work towards.


Finally, don't put so much pressure on yourself. All these tips are great, but if you're finding that it's stressing you out, don't worry so much. Just start with one step at a time and work on a week by week basis. The more that you do, the better you should begin to feel. If anything, this is always my motivation to keep going as I feel so much better when I eat well and move right.

I hope you've found this useful,

Thanks so much for reading,


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