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Use for


  • Use in skin oils to help with acne. Blend with jojoba and rosehip oil to treat problematic skin conditions. You can also add lavender and tea tree essential oils as well to enhance the blend.
  • Blend with evening primrose and borage oil and also lavender and chamomile essential oils to help treat eczema. 
  • Create a bath blend to help with haemorrhoids using the bath crystals and castor oil
  • Use in a hair oil with coconut and argan to help treat lice
  • Add to a face oil with rosehip and evening primrose oil for mature skin.
  • Make a bath blend with lavender and chamomile to treat wounds


(acne, bruises, broken capillaries, burns, congested skin, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, haemorrhoids, lice, oily complexion, mature skin, mosquito repellent, ringworm, ulcers, wounds)



  • Use in a massage blend with grapefruit and macadamia oil to help with cellulite and poor circulation. Use along side a massager or body brush to enhance effects
  • Create a massage blend with calendula and evening primrose oil to help sore breasts.
  • Make a massage oil or bath blend with bath crystals to treat oedema (swelling)


(cellulitis, engorgement of breasts, oedema, poor circulation



To help with a sore throat and throat infection use the steam inhalation method with lavender and eucalyptus essential oil


(sore throat, tonsillitis)



  • Add to a bath blend to help with menopausal problems and PMT
  • Make a massage blend with evening primrose oil and massage onto the abdomen to help with PMT


(adrenocortical glands and menopausal problems, PMT)



  • Use in a bath blend with bath crystals to help with nervous tension. Blend with lavender, chamomile and frankincense


(nervous tension, neuralgia and stress-related conditions)



non-toxic, non-irritant, generally non-sensitizing; possible contact dermititis in hypersensitive individuals, especially with the bourbon type.

Geranium Essential Oil

    • can be used as a fragrance in body oils and bath oils
    • excellent to help lift mood when feeling a little 'unbalanced'
    • good for ladies to help with PMT and mood swings
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