3 min

My personal well-being routine

I am a huge fan of routines. Sleeping, skincare, exercise, I mean, you name them, I do them.

I find that personally, my body seems to function rather well in a routine and as soon as I'm out of that (or fall into a bad routine) then I kind of go all off kilter. Do you ever find that too?

Sometimes it is a constant fight trying to 'balance' (very overused word at the moment sorry!) our mind and body routines along with life in general. I do know though, that when I stick to my routines, my body and mind thank me.

I thought I'd share with you some of my current routines that I have in place at the moment and maybe they can help you too...


Creating a calm mind is one of my main goals in life. As somebody who struggles with anxiety on a regular basis, I know that if i don't train my mind to try to stay calm, it's game over for me. Here is a step by step of my ideal evening routine to 'switch off' my monkey brain at the end of a busy day.

  • Arrive home and jump into the shower and cleanse my face - I need to do this to shake of the day thus far and cleanse my face to almost create a shift from work Emmaline to home Emmaline.

  • Then I do my skincare routine which will include applying all of my skincare such as The Vitamin C Serum, Nimue Eye Cream, The Face Cream and then some of The Face Oil too.

  • After that it's into the kitchen I go and make my dinner. I love to cook, but at the end of a long day I always enjoy something simple such as a big bowl of pasta, grilled fish and rice or some kind of noodle soup.

  • After dinner, if I have time, I will switch off in front of the TV with my husband, but usually it's straight to bedtime mode.

  • I set up my meditation area with my salt lamp, Calm Botanical Essence in my oil burner and my Sleep playlist on Spotify.

  • I will then do 10 minutes of Headspace meditation before sitting in bed with a book and then hopefully it's light's out by 10:30pm.


If I don't move my body regularly, then it's like it just doesn't function as well as it should - in every sense of the word!

My favourite types of exercise are slower paced practices such as yoga and pilates, however I do throw a couple of HIIT sessions in a week too.

I try to do some yoga around 4 times a week and pilates twice a week. I then do HIIT twice a week as well. It can be difficult sometimes to get into an exercise routine. It's easy to get on with your day and forget and so because of this, all my workouts are scheduled in my diary (with reminders!) so I really can't forget.

I also can't forget to mention that I see an osteopath (Charlotte O'Toole at Flixton Osteopathic Clinic - she is absolutely amazing!) every 6 weeks and also I have a sports massage every month too. Again, this just keeps my body in a better working order and is more of a maintenance instead of a cure all.


I guess I don't have a diet routine as such - but what I'm talking about here are my supplements I take to keep me on track.

I've been taking The Beauty Chef probiotics now for a few years and I really can say I notice a huge difference taking them. Usually the first thing I do when I get to work is have a small glass of water with a teaspoon of GLOW powder mixed with a tablespoon of one of the Inner Beauty Boosters (my favourite one at the moment is the Hydration).

Then every evening I will take a variety of supplements which will either be a blend of original Skinade and the Skinade Derma Defence or I will take my Advanced Nutrition Programme supplements which is the Pro Vitality and the Skin Youth Biome.

I have found that this combination helps to boost my immunity and keep my skin looking as clear as possible. I am acne prone and so sometimes spots are just inevitable, but I notice such a difference when I take my supplements regularly that it's definitely a routine I don't want to fall out of.

So what are your routines? Do you find that you function better when you're in a routine? Why not comment below and share your thoughts.

Thank you so much for reading,

Lots of love,

Emmaline x