Why hello there!! Welcome to my new website!
I wanted to create a place of positivity and wellness and also link it all together with all the loves in my life. So, (drum roll please...) here it is! Welcome to tsui.life!
I think I have one of those entrepreneurial style brains that just keep thinking about new ideas. As much as this is amazing, I found that all my ideas seems to be a bit scattered about with more instagram accounts than I could actually log into at any one time (true story!) plus so many websites to manage I was starting to feel a little bit overwhelmed. I wanted to create a place (again, another idea!) where everything could be together and you didn't have to switch between sites to buy different products all at the same time. Plus, if I was offering a discount you could go 'all out' and treat yourself to products from different ranges and get it all in one box!
I have transferred most of my blog posts from all my other websites to here and I will be slowly moving the rest over as time goes on... it's just rather time consuming and in the words of Seth Godin - who is my total idol when it comes to all things business "Waiting for perfect is never as smart as making progress". I therefore decided to 'ship' (another Seth Godin term) and share this little place with you all.
Please feel free to have a mooch about and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at hello@tsui.life
For those of you who like to read my regular posts from foodlifeandem.com, they will now all be posted up on here. If you want to check through any old posts then feel free to check back as the site is still up just not active if you know what I mean. I'm not going to be posting all of my 'Little Gems' on this site, but as I said, they will still be there on the old site if you want to check them out.
Plus, if you subscribe to my mailing list, you can receive 10% off your next online order on the site (excluding booking deposits, gift vouchers and Skinade I'm afraid) and also, you get free delivery in the UK until the end of June 2017! Good times right?
So, I will try not to ramble on anymore. I REALLY hope you all begin to love this little place as much as I do. My plan is to create a little community here so please feel free to comment on posts and let me know what you think - I know I'm not always right, even though I like to think I am ha ha!
Also, please follow @tsui.life on instagram, twitter (@emmalinetsui) and the facebook page (tsui.life) for regular updates and some seriously lovely and positive vibes!
Happy mooching and thanks so much for reading!
Big BIG love,