3 min

SKINCARE: #EatMoveGlow Event

So last week, (Wednesday 27th April to be exact), it finally happened! The night arrived and our event took place! This was such an exciting evening for me, I've been wanting to create something like this for many many years now but I never felt like I found the right group of people. Fingers crossed I have now and we all joined forces to bring you Eat Move Glow.

(left to right: Amy (The Garden), Cat (Runway Pilates), Kate (The Garden), Dr Rangan, Suzanne (Skinade), me and Laura (Runway Pilates))

The main reason I had for creating this event is that we all (I'm sure), have seen lots of pictures of these beautiful women on social media and in magazines. Celebs like Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow etc and models like Gigi Hadid, Adrianna Lima, Karlie Kloss who look fantastic. They are either showcased next to a product - giving the impression that this product is the reason they look amazing, or they're in some amazing Instagram shot making us drool with envy!

I wanted to show everybody that we too can look and feel as good as these guys - but first we need to explain why they look that way.

Firstly, they are airbrushed - let's not kid ourselves. They are also Instagram filtered to the max and probably have done some kind of 'finger work' on their iPhone to create a slimmer waist or better skin. I think most of us are aware of this now, but even so, when we see them in pictures taken by 'paps' - they still look great! What are they doing??

They are 'EatMoveGlow-ing' that's what! I can guarantee 9 times out of 10 they are eating right (with some kind of nutritionist advising them), they are moving right (with a personal trainer) and they are glowing with great skincare (and almost always with a facialist). So, here's where us little girls at my clinic, The Garden and Runway Pilates come in. We want to help educate you on how you can get that 'glow' too.

The event was such a great success. We had Dr Rangan Chatterjee doing a great talk on the benefits of healthy eating and how it can impact your lifestyle, fitness and health. He also explained how he managed to reverse type 2 diabetes just through diet alone!

I did a little talk about how you can get a natural glow from skincare and what are the best types of products to use and then Suzanne from Skinade came and spoke about all the benefits of Skinade and how it helps the skin and body.

Cat and Laura (Runway Pilates) also did a demo on how to use the machine and advice on posture and how to train with pilates.

Finally, we had some amazing and healthy food curtesy of The Garden who made us a delicious cauliflower tabbouleh with homemade crackers and guacamole. It was super delicious!

All proceeds on the night went to Beechwood Cancer Care so it went to a great cause too! We managed to raise £510 which is great for our first event.

Oh, and don't let me forget to mention the goodie bags! These were super! We had free class passes, gift vouchers, vegan snacks, skincare products... you name it they had it!

So I guess I just wanted to say (from us all) thank you to all who attended! We all had such a fab night and really appreciate all your support you give us. Whether you are a customer, client or just support us on social media and spread the word. We appreciate you so thank you. Thank you very much!

Emmaline (and all the Eat Move Glow gang) xx