We all know that stress can take a toll on our skin, but did you know it actually causes premature aging? A recent study found that women who reported the highest stress levels had the most visible signs of aging. This is because cortisol—the hormone released during stressful events—cannot be disposed of through urine like other waste products, so it remains trapped in fat tissue and can cause premature aging by breaking down collagen and elastin.
Fortunately, there are supplements out there that can help stressed-out skin look more youthful, as well as prevent damage from future bouts of stress. Here are the top supplements for stressed skin:
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which means that it helps prevent free radicals from doing damage to your skin. This can help with acne, sunburn, and even dryness caused by stress. You can get vitamin C in fruits and vegetables like oranges, kiwi fruit and broccoli—or as a supplement. I love the Altrient Liposomal Vitamin C and also the Advanced Nutrition Programme's Vitamin C Plus. Both are very high quality vitamin C supplements for the skin, body and well-being.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps keep your skin healthy and glowing. It’s also known as retinol, which is the form of vitamin A found in supplements.
Where to find it:
You can get some vitamin A from food sources like liver, whole milk, eggs, butter and cheese. If you don't eat these foods often (or at all), then you could try taking a supplement with retinol or beta-carotene — another form of vitamin A — as part of your routine skincare routine. Why? Because despite being an essential nutrient for health and beauty benefits such as strengthening immunity against infection, boosting energy levels and supporting normal growth/development during pregnancy pregnancy; there are risks associated with taking too much synthetic forms of this vitamin over time (more on that later).
Some of my favourites are the Skinade Derma Defence A & D and also the Advanced Nutrition programme's Skin Vit A.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are a type of fat that you can find in foods like fish, nuts, and seeds. They're an important part of a healthy diet because they help reduce inflammation and heart disease risk. But there are also studies showing that omega 3s can improve your skin's appearance by reducing redness and irritation after sun exposure or irritation from shaving or waxing.
In general, adults should aim to get 600 mg of omega 3s daily (the equivalent of two servings of fish per week). That's easier if you're not vegetarian or vegan—if you eat meat regularly, it's easy to meet this goal by incorporating fish into your meals several times per week. If you don't eat much fish at all but still want to get the benefits of omega 3s for your skin, consider taking an omega-3 supplement daily until you reach your recommended intake level.
There are no known risks associated with consuming too much fish oil thanks to its high levels of EPA/DHA; however, large doses may cause stomach upset if taken on an empty stomach so try taking them with food instead!
I love either original Skinade's collagen supplement with organic flaxseed oil or the incredibly high quality Skin Omegas from Advanced Nutrition Programme.
Adaptogens are herbs that help restore balance and health to your body. They can be used to prevent illness, or alleviate symptoms once you’re sick. They work by helping your body adapt to stressors like environmental changes, physical exertion, or trauma—and thus are especially effective against stress-related conditions like acne breakouts.
Adaptogens’ ability to regulate hormones means they can help reduce inflammation in the skin caused by acne breakouts, as well as improve your complexion overall. They also have anti-aging properties thanks to their antioxidant effects on free radicals and their ability to boost collagen production (which keeps skin firm).
I love the ADAPTOGEN from The Beauty Chef. It contains fermented ashwagandha, holy basil and
B vitamins. Any foods that are fermented are even more potent and can absorb even better. That's one of the reason I love The Beauty Chef products for gut health. This leads me on to...
Fermented foods
One of the very best ways to give your skin a boost is by eating fermented foods. Fermented foods are rich in good-for-skin probiotics, which help maintain a healthy gut. In turn, a healthy gut means that all other systems in your body are working properly and keeping you looking young and radiant.
So what are some examples of fermented (or cultured) foods? Kimchi and sauerkraut are the most common examples, but there are lots more: kombucha (fermented tea), kefir (fermented milk), sourdough bread and yogurt are just some others worth trying out if you haven't already!
If you're not sure where to get started with fermented food or even exactly what they do for your skin, then I recommend starting with the GLOW Inner Beauty Powder and COLLAGEN Inner Beauty Boost together to kick start your fermented foods journey.
Bone broth
Bone broth is a popular supplement for improving skin elasticity. While it's not as effective as topical creams, it can be an effective addition to your skincare routine. Bone broth contains collagen, which helps with skin elasticity and hydration. It also contains minerals and amino acids that are beneficial for overall health and well-being, which may contribute to clearer skin over time.
It's easy to make bone broth at home if you have a slow cooker or pressure cooker (or even just a pot of boiling water), plus some bones from pastured animals such as chicken or beef (beef bones will give you more gelatin). You can use leftover bones from meat you've eaten in the past—just make sure they're fresh enough that they don't smell funky!
Alternatively, you can take Skinade Collagen Supplement which is packed full of collagen, B vitamins, Vitamin C, omegas, plus much more!
I hope you’ve found this post useful in your quest for clearer, healthier skin. Remember that you can take some of the supplements we’ve mentioned here on their own and still see results, but it will be even better if you combine them together—and remember that they aren’t magic bullets! Even though they do have some proven benefits when it comes to anti-aging, they won’t work unless you also take care of yourself by eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep every night.
Thank you so much for reading,
Emmaline x